I'm Siddy.


Siddharth Singh's Profile Photo


I am Siddharth Singh, a tech-enthusiast and an avid developer. I am an inquisitive and energetic computer science student full of useful leadership skills and a strong foundation in mathematics, programming and logic. I hope to leverage my solid development skills while focusing on collaboration, passion and creativity into an engineering role that allows me to create engaging projects with beautiful user experience.

My Skills



Detect My Mask

An android app which runs along with a ML Model which detect whether a person is wearing mask or not.



An android app to create, edit and delete notes. The notes are saved to Firebase Firestore so that the user can check their notes anytime, anywhere.


Siddy's Wallpapers

An android app to download wallpapers and set it as background. The wallapers are fetched from an open source API which is regulated frequently.


Flappy Bird Clone

A replica of the famous game: Flappy Bird. It is designed and developed using GDX library.


News Daily

An app which displays latest news of specific country. User can read them as headlines or, they can read the whole coverage through webview.



An app which displays all the Pokémons in the franchise and also displays the basic stats of certain Pokémon.


Text Extractor

An android application which uses Google's Firebase ML-Kit to extract text from identities-information from ID cards.


Covid Tracker

An android app which displays the real time data of COVID active cases, total cases, recovered and deaths.


Custom Lottie-Dialog

An android library through which users can add a customized loading dialog box with Lottie Animations.


Let's Draw

An android app which provides a canvas to draw and save a copy as PNG.


Siddy's Dictionary

An Android Application which provides meanings for words searched. It also displays some examples, synonyms and antonyms of the searched word.



An educational android app that provides services like notes, online videos and visualization calculator to learn and understand deep concepts of DSA.


When I am not coding, I like to

Binge Watch Movies
Play Guitar
Listen Music
Read Blogs

Get In Touch

Lets get connected!

Follow me on Github and LinkedIn to see my awesome projects and also to contribute together in projects.